Hello and welcome!
I'm Jan Ford and it's great to have you here!
Let me share a little about myself and why I feel so compelled to share my creativity.
I am blessed to live on the north coast of Cornwall with the wonders of the natural environment on my doorstep. I'm certainly not a city girl and would swap stiletto's and bright lights for walking boots and an unobstructed expanse of starry skies any day of the week!
I find fulfilment in nature
Let me explain why.
Whilst we can all 'enjoy' moments, whether it be indulging in a favourite flavoured ice-cream, an evening spent with special friends, or reading an all time favourite novel for the umpteenth time, our 'enjoyment' is coming from an external source. On the other hand, consider the thought of actually being in-joy! It ignites the soul by tapping into an inner source, where gratitude, appreciation and wonderment abide. My simplest way of being in-joy is found when I immerse myself in nature. Meandering myriads of paths with my wonderful dogs, we have many an adventure, eagerly anticipating what is waiting to be discovered just around the corner.
Inspired by the essence of nature's energies, I capture and reflect them in my acrylic painting. In fact I will often avoid using a brush! I prefer to work with my fingers instead, thus allowing the emotion to flow directly from me, straight onto the canvas.
Apart from acrylics, I also enjoy creating detailed pencil sketches and the use of hot wax in encaustic pieces.